Violončelista, pedagóg, riaditeľ festivalu Peknej hudby v Banskej Štavnici - www.peknahudba.sk
...Slovak cellist Eugen Prochác is one of the finest contemporary cellists of his generation. His work is characterised above all by an academic certainty of what is he seeking to achieve, technical polish, and the art of conveying the essence of works which originate from a range of different periods...
Prochác is a technically perfect soloist and inspiring chamber partner
...soloist in Tchaikovsky´s Rococo Variations showed dazzling virtuosity and espressive sonority.
Eugen Prochác played as a soloist with Braunschweig State Orchestra. He ignited a genuine display of solo fireworks. He displayed expression and lyricism in his playing, using the style of Britten in all of magnificient Cello Symphony
Eugen Prochác´solo was truly phantastic, displaying techical virtuosity
The climax of the evening was Shostakovich´s Sonata. His sense for the precise proportion and significance of every tone, stroke and strain, his profound immersion in it´s mood, made an irresistable impression on everybody.